Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Tagged by Mattie Mae

Here are the rules.
1. Answer questions from your blog list of friends and family.
2. If you don't have 18 names on your list you can pick a name for the last question.
3. Tag 5 people.Then she asked me to answer these questions.

When did you meet the first person on your list? Mattie Mae, when she was born.

What do you like about the 3rd person on your list? Matt & Rachel Bates They are their own kind of people. They have their own style and flare to life.

What do you do you like best about the 5th and 6th person on your list? Sarah & Chris Gray & Gina, Ian, Liam. Sarah & Chris: They are fun and easy to get along with even for being part of the inlaw family relation :) They are great people who extend their love to all. Gina, Ian, Liam: I keep in touch mostly with Gina even though Ian's my cousin. But Gina is great. She is always so sweet and thoughtful, full of compliments and love.

How long have you known the 9th person on your list? Lisa Thomas. I met her where we live now. She only lived here for 4 months while her husband was interning. I've known her about 1 year.

What impresses you about the 11th and 12th person on your list? Shanna Riches & Jenny Friden. Shanna Riches is always so nice and thoughtful. Always willing to help. Especially in the time of the crisis I had when I lived near her. They were so ready to help us out. Jenny Friden is a geniune person and dear friend (despite the fact that we rarely talk). She is sweet, thoughtful and one of the kindest people you'll ever meet.

What is a memory with the 16th person on your list? Melissa Ross, we are friends from High School...I'd have to dig out of my dusty old brain my 'high school memory folder' to think of something. The first thing that came to mind was that I stole her boyfriend once. Though it wasn't worth the steel....sorry Melissa. :(

Say something nice about the 18th person on your list? I don't have one.

Now I have to tag 5 people they are: Auntie Jan, Gina, Jenny, Lisa, Melissa (These were the few that had lists that I noticed)

Sunday, April 6, 2008

My Little Princess

This was taken today. Avery got herself dressed by herself, even the accessories. She was in her closet this morning, with all her dresses on the ground and innocently said, "I'm trying on dresses." It was cute.

Hand Prints

They put their hand prints on the backs of the shirts.
Also on the back was the primary theme for this year, which states, "I am a Child of God."

Easter Sunday

Crew, Nakoria, Avery & Kaia. Wearing shirt from Grandma Peterson.

My Sista

She'll probably hate me for this. But I loved that her family came to visit us over the Easter weekend. Her smile says it all.

Big Bellies

Avery and Kaia at Disneyland. They had lots of fun being together.

Self-Family Portrait

Thursday, April 3, 2008

It's official!

We are cruising to Mexico this June. It's officially booked. We are excited. It's just Dan and I. This will be our ship. Have you ever cruised before?? What excursions would you do or suggest?


Jan, I noticed on your blog you have links to friends/family blogs on the right side of the screen. How do you do this??

Our Favorite Place on Earth

At least that is what they tell us to believe, though home is a pretty good place to be as well.

Avery loves Disneyland... Though this Ariel looks kind of freaky to me.

Avery's Birthday

Here is a picture of Avery and I on her birthday. She was 3 years old on January 9th.
(Yes, I figured out how to add pictures....more to come.)

My Little Girl

This is Avery. I think she's beautiful, but of course, I'm biast.
This post is mostly for Jan and Mattie, so they'll get off my back. :) And so Jan won't check herself into the mental institution.
I love you guys. Now I just have to figure out how to post a picture!!
I'm learning. It's obviously a slow process...