Wednesday, May 14, 2008

New dress options

Well....Dan didn't think that the black and white dress fit the occasion, so he gave me funds to get another one. Here are two dresses, I did have 3 in the pile, but no one like #1, so it's between #2 & #3. I'm leaning toward 3. #2 makes me feel a little too old and hey, I'm still in my twenties, yes even though I'm 29.


Sarah said...

Definitely #3! You'll look great regardless though!

Gina said...

But I was so in love with the black and white one with the green jewelry. Dan, can you change your mind?

♥miss~mattie♥ said...

I'm going with number 3. It looks good on you.
Bye bye.

Jan said...

I like 3. It is more your style..

Have fun Sheri.